5th Grade is FULL at this time. We are still open for 6/7th Grade Registration.
Parent Information - Please Read
Each class includes instruction in etiquette, dance and refreshments. The October class is the exception, with a tutorial meal focusing on table etiquette.
Workbooks are given to students at the first class. Each month, a Minding Your Manners at Home Challenge encourages them to practice the skills they learned in class.
Dress Code is an important aspect teaching respect for each other, for the host/ hostess and the shared values of our culture.
Ladies wear dresses or skirts of a modest length. Bare shoulder should be covered with a wrap. Pants, gauchos, leggings, etc. are not appropriate. (white gloves are optional)
Gentlemen wear traditional suits or sport coat and tie. Both ladies and gentlemen wear dress shoes appropriate for dancing (no athletic shoes, flip-flops or backless shoes).
The Graduation Ball is semi-formal.
Many of the skills we teach are universal (dining etiquette, introductions, etc.) and some are traditional gentlemen/lady roles (dress code, forms of address, dance courtesy).
Each class includes instruction in etiquette, dance and refreshments. The October class is the exception, with a tutorial 5 course meal focusing on table etiquette.
Workbooks are given to students at the first class. Each month, a Polite and Proper in Public Challenge encourages them to practice the skills they learned in class.
Dress Code is an important aspect teaching respect for each other, for the host/ hostess and the shared values of our culture.
Ladies wear dresses or skirts of a modest length. Bare shoulder should be covered with a wrap. Pants, gauchos, leggings, etc. are not appropriate. (white gloves are optional)
Gentlemen wear traditional suits or sport coat and tie. Both ladies and gentlemen wear dress shoes appropriate for dancing (no athletic shoes, flip-flops or backless shoes).
The Graduation Ball is semi-formal.
Many of the skills we teach are universal (dining etiquette, introductions, etc.) and some are traditional gentlemen/lady roles (dress code, forms of address, dance courtesy).
5th Grade is FULL at this time. We are still open for 6/7th Grade Registration.